Wednesday, January 19, 2011

made it to Minneapolis

Hi everyone!
So, I made it to Minneapolis, and as I'm winding down for the night, I figured I'd check in. I made some not so wise food choices today, but still managed to stay within my points range (I finished all my weekly allowance points & activity points too...but my new week starts tomorrow).

Last night, Mike wanted some dessert. I had some points left, so I made brownies. Normally, I bake everything from scratch, but when it comes to brownies, Ghiradelli brownies are pretty good. Anyway, I replaced the oil with unsweetened apple sauce, and worked out the points to be 5 pts a piece for a total of 12 brownies. We each had a brownie warm out of the oven yesterday, and I decided to wait till they cooled overnight to portion out the rest of them. Bad move, Lauren, very bad move.

So, I woke up this morning at 6:30, and as I was waiting for the coffee to perk, I decided to cut up the tray of brownies. 9 of the remaining 10 made it into a ziplock bag. One made it into my belly. Without much thought of enjoyment. I freaked out for a minute, thinking about how I just ruined my whole day eating a brownie for breakfast (or breakfast appetizer...) Anyway, I pulled myself together, ate a banana, and went on with my day. Luckily, I was busy, so I didn't notice I was hungry until about 12:15, at which point I swung by Whole Foods on my way to the airport. I got another banana and an apple and a fage greek yogurt with strawberries (and it was more delicious than the 4 points I spent on it).

On the plane, I ate one of my cheddar cheese sticks, 2 clementines, and a 100 calorie pack of almonds (which I planned)...and then a package of cookies. Luckily, I was able to calculate the points, and they only set me back 3, but still...

Then, for dinner, I ended up at Au Bon Pain, where I got a black bean later find out I spent 15 points on something lukewarm and mediocre. But at least it wasn't 25, right? When navigating my way through the skyways back to my hotel, I came across a godiva store...and got a few pieces of chocolate. Again, luckily, after calculating the points, they only sent me back 4, but still, that wasn't the healthiest option.

So--in the end, I had my 5+ fruits & veggies, stayed within my daily points range (though spent all my remaining "extras"), and ate too many sweets. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.

Night night!

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Chef Lauren in action

Chef Lauren in action
Cooking school on my honeymoon in Italy.